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This beautiful litter by Betty and Cooper was born November 5th 2016. This is their second and final litter, so Betty can start enjoying her well earned retirement. Betty is an incredible mom and has the sweetest disposition of all my females. I expect these puppies to be beautiful, intelligent, loyal and gentle like their parents. These would make excellent therapy pets. Please call or email for more information on these awesome puppies. ​


This precious lady is has one of the best personalities in the bunch! She's calm and gentle, but super playful and expressive. She has four white tips on her feet, copper and a white chest. I'm guessing she will be around 28 pounds as an adult. Celie is the ultimate little companion dog. She loves everyone she meets, and has a natural drive to stay right by me off leash everywhere I go. 





This handsome boy is a total cuddle muffin and gorgeous! He has a very unique dark brown patch on his left eye. Gideon has stunning blue merle markings and a little bit of blue marbling in one eye. He has one of the kindest dispositions, and loves being held. I'm guessing his adult size to be around 28 pounds. 



This puppy is the total package! Super good looks, lots of charm and a very sweet disposition! Frank has a beautiful blue merle coat, four white feet, copper, a face blaze and the only pup in the litter with two solid blue eyes. I'm guessing his adult size to be around 25 pounds.




This puppy has some of best coloring you could ask for. Super copper, four white feet, awesome merle patterning, one blue eye and one marbled eye. Caleb is has one of the most outgoing personalities of all the pups in this litter. He loves people and does his best to get your attention. This is the ultimate little aussie pup! I'm guessing his adult size to be around 28 pounds.  


Sr Royal

I can't get enough of this handsome fluff! He's very regal, thus the name:) This boy has a beautiful  head and big fluffy coat. He has an awesome merle pattern, four white feet, copper and one solid blue eye. I'm guessing his adult size to be around 28 pounds. 




Daniel is one of the smaller puppies in the litter. He has the bright copper, a beautiful blue merle coat, two blue marbled eyes and wonderful expression! He has a shorter coat than his siblings. I'm guessing his adult size to be around 27 pounds. 




This little guy is the smallest puppy in the litter. He has a super sweet disposition, and tons of character! He seems to have a longer coat than some of the other pups. I'm guessing his adult size to be around 25 pounds.  




This beautiful boy is a total love! He reminds a lot of his mom, very laid back and sweet. He has some copper on his feet and cheeks, and a tiny star on his face. Adam will for sure make an amazing companion or working dog. He's very smart and good natured.  I'm guessing his adult size to be around 29 pounds.



Cruising the farm at 7 weeks!

Betty and Cooper's puppies at 5 weeks playing  with  family friends in our beautiful mountains. 

More photos of Betty and Cooper's family!

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